We only ship products within the provinces and territories of Canada.
Check with the post office in your location to confirm if they allow packages to be sent in c/o. If they do, you can use their address as your shipping address. However, please send us an email to inform us about this decision.
All products can be shipped with a signature required. This is important to ensure your product is delivered to your hands or anyone available at your home upon delivery. You can waive the required signature at your own risk.
Sorry, if the tracking shows the parcel has reached your destination, it means someone has received it. If it wasn’t you, then you may need to double-check with anyone present at your home on the delivery date. BUT, we won’t ship a new one. The best we can do is help you create a service ticket with Canada Post. You can send us an email if you’re in this situation.
Check your junk folder, sometimes, the email may drop there. Ensure you mark as NOT JUNK if you find it. But if you do not get any email, then perhaps you entered an incorrect email address. You can contact our support with your order info.
All our raw ingredients and finished products are third-party tested by Janoshik Testing in Prague to guarantee safety and quality control. You get exactly what you see on the label. We do every product 100% as advertised.
Yes, we are always happy to support our customers and answer any questions on how to use our products for best results. We have premium customer service with guaranteed satisfaction always.
We always ship products promptly, but sometimes, courier services may delay delivery. If you do not receive your product(s) 1-2 days after the delivery date, please endeavor to reach out to us and we shall help you trace your order with the mail courier service providers, and ensure it gets delivered to you as fast as possible.
If while tracking, you find that your package is heading to the wrong destination, it may be caused by human error at the mail courier office. This happens occasionally as some postal employees enter the wrong postal code in the system, which may cause a routing error. You can reach out to us and we shall forward the observations to the mail courier office